The most important rules for transport with a rear bike rack within the EU

23. October 2024 at 14:32

Rear bike carrierDuring the holiday season, rear-mounted bike racks are popular companions to easily transport your own bikes. Depending on where you go on vacation, different rules than in Germany apply to this transport.

In Germany, for example, a third license plate must be used if the carrier covers the license plate on the vehicle. In addition, the carrier may protrude a maximum of 150 cm at the back and the bicycles may protrude a maximum of 20 cm on the sides. Special labeling for the bicycle racks and/or their load is not required in Germany. However, any lamps that may be hidden on the vehicle must work on the rear bike carrier.
It’s similar in Austria too: In Germany we are allowed to protrude 20 cm on the sides of bicycles. If the license plate is not readable and is covered up, a third license plate must be used. If taillights and reflectors are used, it is mandatory to use a light bar.

Rules for rear bike racks in Belgium and the Netherlands

In Belgium it is a little different, where the width of the vehicle with a bike rack cannot exceed a total of 255 cm. In addition, the vehicle’s license plate and lighting must be fully visible; if this is not the case, both a separate lighting bar and a third license plate are required. What is also special is that a bicycle rack with its own rear fog light is also required for vehicles with a Belgian license plate.
In the Netherlands, bicycles are also allowed to protrude 20 cm, so the maximum width is 255 cm. The rear bike carrier may protrude a maximum of one meter to the rear. A third license plate and extra lighting must be used if this is obscured by the use of the rack on the vehicle. As in Germany, special labeling of the rear bicycle carrier is not required.

Rear bike rack in southern Europe

In Italy, bicycles may protrude a maximum of 30 cm on each side when transported; a red and white marking board is also mandatory there. This must have dimensions of 50×50 cm. We have summarized all the information about this in a separate blog post. When it comes to the license plate and the lighting, in Italy you have to remember that both have to be fully visible. If this is not guaranteed, you will have to use a separate light bar and a third license plate.
Also in Spain, light bars and the third license plate are required under the same conditions. In addition, a square, red and white striped sign measuring 50×50 cm is mandatory there, even if there are no bicycles loaded on the rack.

In Spain’s neighboring country Portugal, it is initially advised to transport bicycles on the roof with a roof rack. If a rear bike carrier is used, the carrier and the bicycles must not be wider than the car. It must also be proven that the carrier is approved for the transport of bicycles and that the carrier is demonstrably suitable for transport. At the rear, the rear bike rack is only allowed to protrude 45 cm, which is significantly less than in all other countries. Important to know: For carriers that are mounted on the towbar, this is measured from the trailer hitch. In addition, in Portugal the necessary measures apply if the license plate and lighting are obscured (use of third license plate and light bar). The warning sign is also mandatory.

Regulations in Northern Europe

In Northern Ireland the regulations are quite simple, bikes are only allowed to protrude a maximum of 30.5cm on each side. If the license plate is covered, it must be replaced by a third license plate; the same applies to the lighting.
In Sweden, bicycles are only allowed to protrude a maximum of 20 cm on each side and a third license plate must always be attached. The lighting must also be fully visible, otherwise a light bar is required. There are also country stickers.

Warning sign for rear bike racks when traveling to Italy

18. May 2024 at 15:29

Warning sign for 
rear bike carriers

Italy is also a popular holiday destination during the holiday season, especially Lake Garda and Lake Como are popular travel destinations. Both are also popular destinations for beautiful bike tours including Italian dolce vita. However, there are special rules in Italy for transporting bicycles on the rear bicycle rack.

Keep this in mind when transporting items with overhang

In Italy there is a basic rule for transport: goods being transported that protrude beyond the rear, trailer or rear bicycle rack must be provided with a warning sign. To do this, you should use red and white striped warning signs; you need at least one. However, if the goods to be transported take up the entire width of the vehicle, you will need two warning signs, which are attached to the left and right at the end of the goods to be transported.

Why warning signs are important for rear bike racks

In Italy, bicycles are classified as hard to detect cargo when transported on the rear bike rack. This makes it mandatory to mark this difficult-to-recognize load during the journey, especially if the load is wider than the vehicle, i.e. if your bikes on the rear bike carrier protrude beyond the width of the car. However, what is important is not the width of the vehicle from mirror to mirror, but rather the width of the vehicle measured at the tail lights.

Mark the rear bicycle carrier with a warning sign

Regardless of whether you transport your bikes on the rear bike rack in summer or your skis and snowboarders on the towbar for winter sports in the north of Italy, warning signs are mandatory in Italy. This regulation is independent of whether the rear bicycle carrier is illuminated and has a license plate. Previously, rear-mounted bicycle carriers with a so-called repeat license plate (the vehicle’s license plate is repeated on the rear bike carrier) were excluded from the warning sign regulation, but this is now also mandatory for such transports.

Choose the right warning sign

The warning signs you need for such cargo in Italy should be red and white striped and made of metal. The dimensions should be 50×50 cm. If you do not use a warning sign, violations of the labeling requirement are usually punished with fines; more rarely, only a warning is issued.

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Checklist for mounting the rear bike carrier

18. November 2023 at 16:27

Rear bike carrierOf course, rear bike carriers are particularly suitable for transporting your bikes. What you should consider when driving with a rear bike carrier in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, can already be read in our blog post. Today we are putting together a checklist for you to assemble and set up your rear bike rack.

This is how you mount your rear bike carrier

The rear bike carriers from our shop are all mounted on the ball rod. You use a practical lever system for this: If the lever for attaching the rear bicycle carrier is moved upwards, the carrier’s mouth opens. So you can easily put the carrier on the ball bar. By lowering the lever on the rear bike carrier, you close the lock, which then grips the ball bar and secures the carrier to it.

Many rear bike carriers have additional security in the form of a lock so that the lever system can no longer be opened when locked. You can tell whether the carrier is securely mounted by the fact that the rear bicycle carrier cannot be moved to the left and right.

Important: Make sure you have a third number plate ready for the rear bike carrier.

The best way to load the rear bike carrier

Loading the rear bike rack can be cumbersome, especially e-bikes are often very heavy and unwieldy. You can make loading easier with loading ramps, these allow you not to have to lift the bike, but to be able to slide it onto the rack. You should then first attach the bike frame to the middle attachment point of the rear bike carrier. This attachment point provides the most stability and allows you to have your hands free to attach the tires. With all attachment points, make sure that the contact surface of the attachments is as large as possible and that the bike is as straight as possible.

If you always transport the same bikes, you can of course leave the settings of the attachments as they are after the first ride and save yourself the effort for the next few times.

Safety first

It will of course be easier if there are two people to load the bikes. Then one person can hold the bike on the carrier, the second person can align and fasten everything. In any case, make sure that you tighten all fasteners well and align any pre-installed protection against scratching the wheel. With many rear bike carriers, the attachments are also lockable, so you can make sure that nothing can come loose while driving.


Wanneer mag ik zonder rijbewijs met een aanhanger rijden?

30. October 2023 at 12:38


Voor het rijden met een aanhanger is een speciaal rijbewijs nodig. Maar is dit altijd het geval? In de regel moet je een speciaal aanhangerrijbewijs halen en daarnaast naar een rijschool gaan en rijexamen doen. Er is echter een uitzondering waarbij je geen aanhangerrijbewijs nodig hebt en toch een aanhanger mag trekken. Meer informatie over de gebruikelijke rijbewijzen voor het rijden met een aanhanger in Duitsland vind je in onze blog over dit thema.

Met een aanhanger rijden zonder rijbewijs: In dit geval toegestaan

Rijden zonder speciaal aanhangerrijbewijs is in Duitsland alleen toegestaan als je aan een paar criteria voldoet. Je aanhanger mag bijvoorbeeld niet zwaarder wegen dan 750 kg. Bovendien mag de aanhanger niet zwaarder zijn dan het voertuig waarmee je de aanhanger trekt. De aanhanger moet dus altijd lichter zijn dan het trekkende voertuig.

Als je aanhanger zwaarder is dan 750 kg, moet het gewicht van je voertuigcombinatie, d.w.z. trekkend voertuig en aanhanger samen, altijd onder de 3500 kg blijven. Voordat je zonder aanhangerrijbewijs met een aanhanger gaat rijden, moet je daarom eerst de kentekenbewijzen van het trekkende voertuig en de aanhanger goed controleren en de daar vermelde waarden voor het respectievelijke gewicht bij elkaar optellen. In principe kun je dan zonder rijbewijs voor de aanhanger, maar je moet wel altijd een rijbewijs B hebben en bij je dragen.

Mogelijke sancties

Rijden zonder geschikt rijbewijs is niet alleen een administratieve overtreding in Duitsland. Je moet je er dus van bewust zijn dat als je een aanhanger bestuurt zonder geldig aanhangerrijbewijs, d.w.z. als je geen aanhangerrijbewijs hebt en niet aan de bovenstaande criteria voldoet, je strafrechtelijk vervolgd kunt worden. Zorg ervoor dat je aan de genoemde criteria voldoet als je geen rijbewijs BE hebt. Als je alleen je rijbewijs vergeten bent, maar het is wel geldig, dan kun je een waarschuwing verwachten als je door de politie wordt aangehouden.

A red license plate for the trailer

10. September 2023 at 15:29

A red license plateAfter we introduced you to the green number plate for your trailer a few weeks ago, of course we don’t want to withhold the red license plate from you either. What can it be used for, which characteristics can be distinguished and which advantages or disadvantages are relevant?

The use of the red license plate

Red number plates can only be used for a limited or recurring operational use, they are so-called transfer number plates. So if you only want to use a vehicle or trailer for a short, limited period of time (to allow it, for example), the red license plate is an option for you. However, you can only get the license plate from the local registration authority if you are a car manufacturer, car parts manufacturer, a car dealer or a workshop. Then the license plate is not tied to a vehicle or a trailer.

Different license plates

This license plate is characterized by the fact that red lettering is used on a white background. It consists of a distinguishing character followed by an identification number. This consists exclusively of numbers and begins with the “06” in Germany.

There are also license plates with a white background, red lettering, distinguishing signs and an identification number that begins with “07”. This is intended for vintage cars. In the case of classic cars, for example, a red license plate is relevant for participation in events. A big difference to the aforementioned license plate: The license plate for classic cars can also be issued to private individuals.

The pros and cons of the red license plate

A major advantage of the license plate is that it is not tied to a specific vehicle. It can be very practical, especially for car dealerships and workshops, to have such a license plate “at hand” when, for example, test drives or transfers have to be made.

The disadvantage is that the license plate does not meet the requirements of the 1968 International Convention on Road Traffic. Therefore it may only be used nationally and not internationally.

In the case of vintage cars, you must also ensure that the vehicle meets the general conditions for a vintage car. Otherwise, the specific license plate cannot be awarded either.

Sports trailers: Special trailers for your trailer ride

18. June 2022 at 15:04

TrailersDepending on the purpose for which you are traveling with a trailer, you need a special model. For example, sports trailers are a special category that you can use to transport animals, motorcycles, boats or gliders. Special provisions apply to these special trailers with regard to the intended use, license plate number or insurance.

License plate and main inspection for your trailer

While it used to be no problem if you were driving a trailer without an official license plate back in the days, today you risk a fine. Since the early 1990s, all sports trailers have had to have an official license plate and therefore also have to be regularly subjected to the main inspection, which is usually due every two years. Many sports trailers have a green license plate, this is handed out if the trailer only serves a single, specific purpose. You can probably expect a green license plate for a trailer for a glider, while a black license plate is often used for horse trailers.

Before you set off with your sports trailer, you should make sure that you have the following documents with you: On the one hand, you need the trailer operating license and, on the other hand, the test report from the general inspection. The certificate from the registration office is also important and is checked during a traffic check.

Sports trailers and their use

Most sports trailers may only be used and are only approved for their originally intended purpose. Therefore, the green license plate is usually used for these trailers. An exception can be the horse trailer, for example. You have the choice and can also use a different license plate and thus expand the use. If you rent a sports trailer from someone, then be sure to check the license plate number of the trailer before driving. If you are driving with a green license plate and misuse the trailer, then you must expect the consequences in the event of an inspection.

Also pay attention to the speed at which you are traveling. Most trailers are allowed 80 km/h on German motorways, but you can apply for a 100 km/h permit. All information about the 100 km/h sticker can be found in our blog post.

On the safe side: Liability for special trailers

If you are traveling with the trailer and it is coupled to the towing vehicle, the liability insurance of the towing vehicle will usually also cover possible damage. However, if the trailer becomes detached from the towing vehicle or, for example, moves away from its parking position or slips, then the liability insurance of the towing vehicle no longer applies. It is therefore advisable to take out special liability insurance for the trailer.

When can I drive a trailer without a license?

30. October 2021 at 15:49

Driver's license for trailersA special driver’s license is required for driving with a trailer. But is that always true? As a rule, you have to obtain a special trailer driver’s license and also take a driving test and a driving test. However, there is a special case for which you do not need a license and can still pull a trailer. You can also find out more about the common driver’s licenses for driving a trailer in Germany in our blog post on the subject.

Driving a trailer without a license: Allowed in this case

Driving without a special trailer license is only allowed in Germany if you meet a few criteria. For a start your trailer may not be heavier than 750 kg. In addition, the trailer must not exceed the weight of the vehicle with which you are pulling the trailer. The trailer must therefore always be lighter than the towing vehicle.

If your trailer is heavier than 750 kg, the weight of your combination, i.e. towing vehicle and trailer together, must in any case be less than 3500 kg. Before driving a trailer without a trailer driver’s license, you must first carefully check the registration certificates of the towing vehicle and trailer and add up the values ​​that are specified there for the respective weight. In principle, you can then do without the driver’s license for the trailer, but you must always have a class B driver’s license and carry it with you.

Possible penalties

Driving without a suitable driver’s license is not just an administrative offense in Germany. So you must be aware that if you are driving the trailer without a valid trailer driver’s license, i.e. you do not have a trailer driver’s license, and you do not meet the above criteria, you are liable to prosecution. Make sure that you adhere to the criteria listed if you do not have a class BE driving license. If you have just forgotten your driver’s license, but it is valid, then you only have to expect a warning fee at a police control.

Quand puis-je conduire une remorque sans permis de conduire spécial ?

30. October 2021 at 10:56

Quand puis-je conduire une remorque sans permis

Normalement, la conduite d’une remorque nécessite un permis de conduire spécial. Cela implique généralement l’obtention d’un permis de conduire pour remorque et la réussite d’un examen pratique à l’auto-école. Toutefois, il existe des exceptions où un permis spécial n’est pas requis pour tracter une remorque. Pour en savoir plus sur les différents permis de conduire requis pour la conduite de remorque en Allemagne, vous pouvez consulter notre article de blog sur le sujet.

Conduire une remorque sans permis spécial : dans ce cas, c’est autorisé

En Allemagne, la conduite d’une remorque sans permis spécial est autorisée uniquement si certains critères sont respectés. La remorque ne doit pas excéder un poids de 750 kg. De plus, le poids de la remorque ne doit pas surpasser celui du véhicule tracteur ; par conséquent, la remorque doit toujours être plus légère que le véhicule qui la tracte.

Si le poids de votre remorque dépasse 750 kg, le poids total combiné, incluant le véhicule tracteur et la remorque, ne doit pas excéder 3500 kg. Avant de tracter une remorque sans permis de conduire spécial, il est essentiel de vérifier les certificats d’immatriculation du véhicule tracteur et de la remorque, puis d’additionner les poids autorisés indiqués sur ces documents. Bien que vous puissiez être dispensé de permis de conduire spécial pour la remorque, il est obligatoire de posséder un permis de conduire de catégorie B et de le porter sur vous.

Sanctions possibles

En Allemagne, conduire sans le permis de conduire approprié constitue une infraction sérieuse. Il est donc crucial d’être conscient que si vous conduisez une remorque sans un permis de conduire de remorque valable, c’est-à-dire sans posséder de permis spécifique pour la remorque et sans respecter les critères précédemment mentionnés, vous êtes susceptible de faire face à des sanctions. Assurez-vous de respecter ces critères si vous ne détenez pas de permis de conduire de catégorie BE. Si vous avez simplement oublié votre permis de conduire mais que celui-ci est valide, vous ne risquez qu’un avertissement lors d’un contrôle de police.


Trailer driving on slopes and inclines

8. October 2021 at 16:28

Trailer driving on slopes and inclinesDriving on a mountain, i.e. uphill or downhill, is still a challenge for many drivers even after driving school. With the trailer, it can be even more difficult, not least because of the additional weight. In this article we explain to you which points you should pay particular attention to when driving with a trailer on roads with slopes or inclines and how you can master these hurdles well.

This is how you drive your trailer on an incline

If you are traveling with a trailer and have to pass an incline, the towing vehicle – especially with a fully loaded trailer – is subject to greater stress. The engine has to work on a higher level. This is easier if you shift down a gear and thereby increase the engine power. If the gear is too high, your team will slow down. You may even have to stop and start on the mountain. Although this is not impossible, it leads to unnecessarily heavy wear on the towing vehicle. If it can be avoided, then you should drive with enough foresight, shift down a gear and still not exceed the speed – this is the only way you can still be proactive. If it is necessary to start off on the mountain with a trailer, then it is essential to use the handbrake for support, as you once learned in driving school.

Trailer driving on sloping roads

Roads with gradients hold a few small pitfalls for your journey with the trailer. On the one hand, your trailer always pushes your team on journeys that go downhill. So you have to keep in mind that the entire weight of the (loaded) trailer will push from behind. On the other hand, this means that your team is a little faster than you intended, and thus, the braking distance is also longer.

So you should act early on roads with a gradient, keep an eye on the possibly higher speed early on and reduce it. At the same time, it is advisable to engage a lower gear, as you can then use the engine brake to assist. If you only brake with the brakes of the towing vehicle, it is possible that these will overheat due to the higher load and their effectiveness will decrease. Important: Never switch off the engine when driving downhill with a trailer. Switching off would cause aids such as power steering and brake booster to fail.

Consider these points when driving with a rear bike carrier in Germany, Austria or Switzerland

10. September 2021 at 17:07

rear bike carrierFor transporting bicycles, the rear bicycle carrier is above all practical and uncomplicated. But so that your journey goes without problems, you should definitely keep a few points in mind when driving in Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

The third license plate is compulsory in Germany

Once your rear bike carrier is loaded, it mainly covers the license plate. According to the German StVO, the license plate must always be visible. In Germany it is therefore mandatory to attach a third license plate, i.e. a replacement license plate, to the rear bike rack. When buying the carrier, it is best to ensure that it has a way of attaching the license plate. You can easily get a third license plate from the Road Traffic Office. The best thing to do is to mount it firmly on the carrier so that it cannot be forgotten. Important: It is not necessary to stamp the license plate.

Also make sure that the lighting of your vehicle is not covered when transporting the bicycles. Since this often cannot be avoided, your rear bike carrier should also have lighting that can be connected to the vehicle electronics via the socket at the rear.

In Austria you need a red license plate

In Austria, too, you have to mount a third license plate on the rear bike rack if your cargo covers the original license plate. The specialty, however, is that you need a red license plate. You also have to pay attention to the lighting on the rear bike carrier, which is already known from Germany.

The load securing and loading of the rear bike carrier in Switzerland

In addition to the third number plate and the lighting, there is a special focus on loading the rear bike carrier and securing the load in Switzerland. The bicycles must explicitly not be wider than the vehicle and not pose a risk to road traffic. There is an interesting special rule with regard to the dimensions: the bike must not exceed the total length of two meters, but it would also be okay if the bike protrudes 20 cm on each side above the vehicle. If you have an accident in Switzerland due to an incorrectly secured load, you will have to pay for the damage in any case. In our neighboring country, make sure to lash the bikes tightly and use all the safety measures provided on the rear bike carrier. Uninstall any other parts on the bike that could easily fall off, such as air pumps, saddle pads or baskets, and avoids the use of a cover. Above all, the latter would also affect the driving behavior of your vehicle.

The speed limit with the rear bike rack

Most European countries do not have a speed limit for driving with a rear bike rack, but you should pay attention to what the manufacturers of the rack specify and you should not exceed these values.

Make sure to also pay attention to the rules for transport on the rear bike carrier in other EU countries.