Three features that the towbar should have for retrofitting

12. December 2018 at 11:19

Retrofitting towbarIf you want to retrofit a towbar, you should pay attention to a few details. Clearly, you want to be able to use the AHK for a few years on your current vehicle and you do not want it to annoy you on a regular basis. Therefore, we have put together the three most important features that you should consider when choosing the towing hitch.

1. The towbar should not be in your way

Nothing is more annoying than constantly bumping your leg on the trailer hitch because you have forgotten that it is now on the back of the vehicle. Surely you will get used to it one day. Yet, if you are a habit and are bothered by something in your way, then you should think about a detachable or swiveling towbar. These are not permanently in your way and only need to be put into operation when you really intend to use them. This way you save not only trouble, but also dirty trouser legs, if, after retrofitting you forgot about the towbar again.


2. The trailer hitch should lie to you in the operation

If you are retrofitting a trailer hitch and it is not exactly rigid, then you should make sure when retrofitting that you get along well with the operation of the trailer hitch. With our detachable trailer hitches, you just have to turn one wheel aside and turn it to remove the ball rod. During assembly, you only need to guide the ball rod into the receptacle until it snaps in by itself. Even with the swivel trailer hitch from us only a few steps are necessary. So you have to operate the trailer hitch as described for the removable version, if you want to dismantle the towbar. If you have operated the wheel, the towbar “falls” down and you only have to bring it up to its resting position. If you would like to put the towbar back in operation, you will move the lever of the rest position to the side so that the ball bar “falls down” once again. Then you only have to grasp the trailer hitch and guide it to its correct position. Here, too, the towbar locks itself in. So you see, the operation of our towbars is designed as easy as possible for you, we put a lot of value on it in the development and construction.

3. The trailer hitch should not affect the appearance of your vehicle

Nothing is nastier than a large section in the bumper, if you retrofit a trailer hitch. It is by no means absolutely necessary to reckon with a section when retrofitting. Our trailer hitches are designed to come out under the bumper and thus run around it. A section in the visible area of ​​the bumper is therefore not required when retrofitting with MVG trailer couplings. When buying your trailer hitch you should also pay attention to this, certainly you would like to make on your vehicle no major interference with the optics.